Thursday, June 03, 2010

The Red Baron

The Red Baron

The recent German film, The Red Baron, is finally available in the US on DVD. It is also available streaming on Netflix. I had been awaiting this movie for awhile. The air combat scenes were amazing :). It is an idealized, mythic vision of WWI. But, it was such an epic spectacle to behold. I had never seen so many in the sky, even if they are just CGI :). The actual story dragged on quite a bit, and from what I've read, is full of historical inaccuracies. Also, it may feel uncomfortable to have the Germans as the hero protagonists :(. But, there is an apologetic message in the film. Overall, I recommend it for the air combat scenes alone :). For a US/French view of WWI air combat, I also recommend the film, Flyboys.

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